- Facilitate export and exposure of internal data on AgroClim's Java applications.
- Use Prometheus format to expose metrics.
- Add the library to a Java application running on Tomcat.
SAVA is a Maven project, using Java 11.
- `sava-core contains` all the classes to use SAVA.
- `sava-core-jakarta` contains all the classes to use SAVA on Jakarta (e.g.: Tomcat 10).
- `sava-example` shows an use case of integration in a simple application, with only the servlet exposing demo values.
The Java EE implementation is the origin.
Jakarta library is converted from the Java EE library.
To generate `sava-core-jakarta`, run `bin/`.
**1. Add SAVA to your project**
If you use Java EE (<= Tomcat 9), add to your dependencies in `pom.xml`:
If you use Jakarta (>= Tomcat 10), add to your dependencies in `pom.xml`:
**2. Extends [`MetricsBasicAuthServlet`](**
By default, histograms for all requests are created.
**3. Example to add information about the application**
SavaUtils.addCounter("app_version", "Version number of the application, "", "version");
**4. Example to add information about PostgreSQL**
final String schemaName = "public";
"Database schema size, in bytes",
() -> dao.getSchemaSize(schemaName)
**5. Configure Tomcat `context.xml`**
Add key and password for HTTP Basic Authentication of MetricsBasicAuthServlet implementation.
<Parameter name="sava.key" value="HldIAeGvVxgxFcBj8z2j" />
<Parameter name="sava.pass" value="AfEy82sBOD0yVvUeoMM6" />
With values generated by randomizer.
Eg. for AgroClim:
- []( or
- [](
LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9!.?' </dev/urandom | head -c 20
**6. Test from curl**
The metrics are exposed by the `MetricsBasicAuthServlet` implementation, protected by HTTP Basic Authentication. So you need to set the HTTP header like this:
BASE64_AUTH=$(echo -n "$SAVA_KEY:$SAVA_PASS" | base64)
# in Prometheus format
curl http://localhost:8080/metrics --header "Authorization: Basic $BASE64_AUTH"
# in OpenTelemetry format
curl http://localhost:8080/metrics --header "Authorization: Basic $BASE64_AUTH" --header 'Accept: application/openmetrics-text; version=1.0.0; charset=utf-8'
See [``]( file.
See [`LICENSE`](LICENSE) file.