<img src="./inst/extdata/univ.png" align="right"/>
<img src="./inst/extdata/boa.png" align="right"/>
<img src="./inst/extdata/inra.png" align="right"/>
The aim of this package is to provide a full genomic features annotation from genomic coordinates, without use an annotation priority.
host = "",
build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual")
## alternative (from local directory)
# clone package (from prompt)
git clone
# build package (from R console)
# install package (from R console)
install.packages("GenomeFeatures_1.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
2. Build a convenient object for find overlaps beetween all selected features and genomic coordinates targets: `GenomeFeatures::build_genome_features`.
3. Find overlaps beetween genomic coordinates and features: `GenomeFeatures::genome_features_overlaps`.
4. Features plot: `GenomeFeatures::Plot`.