\description{This function exports an ods or a flat file containing the data containing in a dataframe create by mcq.get.dataframe, mcq.get.metadata or mcq.get.compar.}
\description{This function exports an ods or a flat file with the data contained in a dataframe created by mcq.get.dataframe, mcq.get.metadata or mcq.get.compar.}
\item{file}{the name of the exported file without extension. Default value is 'export'.}
\details{This function is designed to facilitate export of data from MCQR package. It use the 'write.table' function from 'utils' packages for flat file or 'write_ods' from 'readODS' package for libreoffice spreadsheet.\\n This function does not write row names of dataframe. }
\details{This function is designed to facilitate export of data from MCQR. It uses the 'write.table' function from 'utils' packages for flat file or 'write_ods' from 'readODS' package for libreoffice spreadsheet.\\n This function does not write row names of dataframes. }