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Commit 76bf22e3 authored by Helene Rimbert's avatar Helene Rimbert
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Merge branch '8-includeIsbpsMapping' into 'master'

NEW : ISBPs extraction and mapping added in the begining of the pipeline

See merge request !10
parents 70c7a358 0fa68d60
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1 merge request!10NEW : ISBPs extraction and mapping added in the begining of the pipeline
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ All the dependancies installed in the conda env are listed below.
* GMAP: 2018-05-11
* NCBI-blast (BLAST+): 2.6
* Samtools: 1.9
* BWA: 0.7
## Prepare and run the pipeline
......@@ -61,15 +62,8 @@ The configuration file [config.yaml](config.yaml) will contain all the input fil
The pipeline uses markers/ISBPs as anchores to target a restricted part of the target genome on which our genes are suspected to be located.
In the first place, it is required to map such markers (ISBPs in our cases) with bwa on your target genome:
$ bwa mem IWGSC_RefSeqV2_bwaindex ISBPs.fasta |samtools view -bS - |samtools sort -o ISBPS_on_refseqv2.bam
| Parameter in `config.yaml` | format |description |Example |
|**isbpBam**| BAM|BAM file of the mapping of markers/ISBPs on the target genome|isbpBam: 'ISBPS_on_refseqv2.bam'|
|**isbpBed**| BED|Initial coordinates of the markers/ISBPs on the query genome|isbpBed: 'data/ISBP_refseqv1.bed'|
|**mapq**| \[INT\]|Minimum mapping quality of the marker/ISBP to be kept in the anchoring process|mapq: 30|
|**mismatches**| \[INT\]|Max missmatches allowed for a marker to be kept in the analysis|mismatches: 0|
......@@ -80,9 +74,10 @@ Here, we only need the fasta of the new genome assembly
| Parameter in `config.yaml` | format |description |Example |
|**targetFasta**|FASTA|fasta file of the target genome assembly on which we transfert the annotation|targetFasta: 'data/CS_pesudo_v2.1.fa'|
|**targetGmapIndex**|PATH|Name of the GMAP index directory. This will be used with the `-d` option of `gmapl`|targetGmapIndex: 'ensembl_Triticum_aestivum_julius_2022-9-16'|
|**targetGmapIndexPath**|PATH|Full path to the directory in which the GMAPindex is found. This will be used with the `-D` option of `gmapl`|targetGmapIndexPath: '/home/data/triticum_aestivum/julius/gmapdb/all/'|
|**targetFasta**|FASTA|fasta file of the target genome assembly on which we transfert the annotation|targetFasta: 'data/CS_pesudo_v2.1.fa'|
|**targetGmapIndex**|PATH|Name of the GMAP index directory. This will be used with the `-d` option of `gmapl`|targetGmapIndex: 'ensembl_Triticum_aestivum_julius_2022-9-16'|
|**targetBwaIdx**|BWA index|Prefix for the BWA index files|targetBwaIdx: '/home/herimbert/gdec/shared/triticum_aestivum/arinalrfor/current/bwa/all'|
|**targetGmapIndexPath**|PATH|Full path to the directory in which the GMAPindex is found. This will be used with the `-D` option of `gmapl`|targetGmapIndexPath: '/home/data/triticum_aestivum/julius/gmapdb/all/'|
* Output parameters/settings
......@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
"error" : "slurm-%x-%J.log",
"output" : "slurm-%x-%J.log"
"time" : "1-00:00:00",
"c" :"{threads}",
"mem" : "32G"
"mapHomologousRegions" :
"time" : "1-00:00:00",
......@@ -22,12 +22,18 @@ targetFasta: 'data/Triticum_aestivum_arinalrfor.PGSBv2.1.dna.toplevel.fa'
targetGmapIndex: 'ensembl_Triticum_aestivum_arinalrfor_2023-2-17'
#GMAP index: path to the gmapindex directory, for -D option
targetGmapIndexPath: '/home/herimbert/gdec/shared/triticum_aestivum/arinalrfor/current/gmapdb/all/'
#BWA index prefix
targetBwaIdx: '/home/herimbert/gdec/shared/triticum_aestivum/arinalrfor/current/bwa/all'
##### ISBP/markers related config and parameters
# BAM file of markers/ISBPs mapped on the target genome
isbpBam: '/home/masirvent/wheat10plus-pangenome/data/mappingISBP/session2/arina/arina_CS_ISBP.bam'
# isbpBam: '/home/masirvent/wheat10plus-pangenome/data/mappingISBP/session2/arina/arina_CS_ISBP.bam'
# BED file of coordinates on the query genome (REFSEQ v2.1)
isbpBed: 'data/Tae.Chinese_Spring.refSeqv2.1.ISBPs.bed'
# BWA threads for mapping
bwaThreads: 16
# FLAG : F flag for samtools
flag_F: 3844
# minimum mapping quality of markers on the target genome
mapq: 30
# max mismatches per ISBP/marker
......@@ -38,7 +44,7 @@ results: 'results'
finalPrefix: 'arina_magatt'
# this file contains two columns: the first is the chromosome name as it appears in the genome.fasta of the new reference,
# and the second the chromosome name as it will appear in the new gene Names
chromMapID: '/home/masirvent/wheat10plus-pangenome/data/liftoff/arina/chromstab.txt'
chromMapID: 'data/chromstab.txt'
##### Nomenclature for final gene IDs
# used in rule renameGeneIds (rules/geneAnchoring.smk)
......@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ dependencies:
- gffread
- gmap=2020.06.30-0
- blast
- bwa
rule selectMappedISBP:
message: " Select only mapped ISBPS on new refseq"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: mapped=config['results']+'/1.filteredISBPs/{chrom}/sorted.bed',
output: config['results']+'/2.mappedISBPs/{chrom}/coordsOnQuery.bed'
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ rule selectMappedISBP:
rule keepMappedOnSameChrom:
message: " Select Mapped ISBPs on same chromosome (or on unknown chromosome)"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: isbpOnQuery=config['results']+'/2.mappedISBPs/{chrom}/coordsOnQuery.bed',
output: config['results']+'/2.mappedISBPs/{chrom}/OnSameChrom.bed'
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ rule keepMappedOnSameChrom:
rule upstreamClosest:
message: " Collect closest marker upstream of genes"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: annot=config['results']+"/1.features/{chrom}.bed",
output: config['results']+'/2.closestbed/{chrom}/upstream.txt'
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ rule upstreamClosest:
rule downstreamClosest:
message: " Collect Downstream marker downstream of genes"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: annot=config['results']+"/1.features/{chrom}.bed",
output: config['results']+'/2.closestbed/{chrom}/downstream.txt'
rule validateCdsHC:
message: " check CDS integrity for HC genes"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: config['finalPrefix']+'_HC.cds.fasta'
output: fasta=config['finalPrefix']+'_HC.cds.valid.fasta',
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ rule validateCdsHC:
rule validateCdsLC:
message: " check CDS integrity for LC genes"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: config['finalPrefix']+'_LC.cds.fasta'
output: fasta=config['finalPrefix']+'_LC.cds.valid.fasta',
rule mapHomologousRegions:
message: " mapping homologous regions of both references using ISBPs markers as anchors for chromosome {wildcards.chrom}"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ rule mapHomologousRegions:
rule recalcBlatMapped:
message: " Recalc the coordinates of genes mapped with the Blat pipeline for chromosome {wildcards.chrom}"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ rule recalcBlatMapped:
rule gtCleanBlatGff:
message: " Clean the gff file recalculated based on Blat fine mapping for chromosome {wildcards.chrom}"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: gff=config['results']+'/4.recalcBlat/{chrom}/RecalcAnnotOnTarget.gff3',
output: config['results']+'/4.recalcBlat/{chrom}/RecalcAnnotOnTarget-clean.gff3'
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ rule gtCleanBlatGff:
rule gmapRescue:
message: " Rescue anchoring of failed genes with gmap for chrom {wildcards.chrom}"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: blat=config['results']+'/3.mapping/{chrom}/allBlat.csv',
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ rule gmapRescue:
rule recalcGmapRescue:
message: "Recalc the coordinates of the GMAP on target GFF3 files for chromosome {wildcards.chrom}"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: gff=config['results']+'/4.gmapRescue/{chrom}.target.gff3',
output: config['results']+'/4.recalcGmap/{chrom}/recalc.gff3'
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ rule recalcGmapRescue:
rule saveGmapWG:
message: "Save the GMAP results of genes mapped on Whole Genome"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: gff=config['results']+'/4.gmapRescue/{chrom}.wholeGenome.gff3',
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ rule saveGmapWG:
rule mergeFinalGff3:
message: " Merge Final GFF3 files: blat.gff3, rescue.gff3 and wholeGenome.gff3"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: blat=config['results']+'/4.recalcBlat/{chrom}/RecalcAnnotOnTarget-clean.gff3',
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ rule mergeFinalGff3:
rule checkMissing:
message: " Check missing transfered genes"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: gff=config['results']+'/5.FINAL/{chrom}/annotation.gff3',
output: config['results']+'/5.FINAL/{chrom}/missing.txt'
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ rule checkMissing:
rule concatAllChromResults:
message: " concat all per chromosome results"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: annot=expand(config['results']+'/5.FINAL/{chrom}/annotation.gff3',chrom=config['chromosomes']),
missing=expand(config['results']+'/5.FINAL/{chrom}/missing.txt', chrom=config['chromosomes']),
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ rule concatAllChromResults:
rule renameGeneIds:
message: " set final gene IDs for the new annotation"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: gff=config['finalPrefix']+'tmp.gff3',
output: gffhc=config['finalPrefix']+'_HC.gff3',
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ rule renameGeneIds:
rule generateFastaSequencesHC:
message: "generate fasta sequences using gffread for HC genes"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: gff=config['finalPrefix']+'_HC.gff3',
output: mrna=config['finalPrefix']+'_HC.transcripts.fasta',
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ rule generateFastaSequencesHC:
rule generateFastaSequencesLC:
message: "generate fasta sequences using gffread for LC genes"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ rule generateFastaSequencesLC:
rule concatblatSummary:
message: " Concat all Blat summary"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input:blat=expand(config['results']+'/3.mapping/{chrom}/allBlat.csv', chrom=config['chromosomes']),
mapping=expand(config['results']+'/3.mapping/{chrom}/temp', chrom=config['chromosomes'])
output: config['finalPrefix']+'_blatSummary.csv'
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ rule concatblatSummary:
rule concatAnchoringSummary:
message: " Concat all Anchoring summary"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input:anchoring=expand(config['results']+'/3.mapping/{chrom}/mappingSummary.csv', chrom=config['chromosomes']),
mapping=expand(config['results']+'/3.mapping/{chrom}/temp', chrom=config['chromosomes'])
output: config['finalPrefix']+'_anchoringSummary.csv'
rule grepGffFeature:
message: " Collect selected features from GFF file"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: config['annotationQuery']
params: config['featureType']
output: temp(config['results']+"/1.features.bed")
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ rule grepGffFeature:
rule splitGffPerChrom:
message: "Split Gff Features per chromosome: current is {wildcards.chrom}"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: config['results']+"/1.features.bed"
output: temp(config['results']+"/1.features/{chrom}.bed")
log: config['results']+"/1.features/{chrom}.fgrep.log"
......@@ -18,21 +18,21 @@ rule splitGffPerChrom:
rule indexQuery:
message: " Indexing Query fasta file using samtools faidx"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: config['queryFasta']
output: config['queryFasta']+'.fai'
shell: "samtools faidx {input}"
rule indexTarget:
message: " Indexing Target fasta file using samtools faidx"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: config['targetFasta']
output: config['targetFasta']+'.fai'
shell: "samtools faidx {input}"
#rule gmapIndexTarget:
# message: " Create Gmap Index for rescue"
# conda: "envs/environment.yml"
# conda: "magatt"
# input: config['targetFasta']
# output: directory(config['results']+"/target_gmapindex")
# params: indexname="target_gmapindex", indexPath=config['results']
rule isbpFastaFromBed:
message: 'Extract ISBPs sequence from reference genome'
conda: 'magatt'
input: bed=config['isbpBed'], fasta=config['queryFasta']
output: config['results']+'/1.ISBPs.fasta'
log: config['results']+'/1.ISBPS_fastafrombed.log'
shell: "bedtools getfasta -name -fi {input.fasta} -bed {input.bed} -fo {output}"
rule isbpBwa:
message: 'Map ISBPs on target genome'
conda: 'magatt'
input: fasta=config['results']+'/1.ISBPs.fasta'
output: config['results']+'/1.MappedISBPs.bam'
params: mapq=config['mapq'],F=config['flag_F'], bwaidx=config['targetBwaIdx']
threads: config['bwaThreads']
log: config['results']+'/1.MappedISBPs.log'
shell: "bwa mem -t {threads} {params.bwaidx} {input.fasta} | samtools view -bS -F {params.F} -q {params.mapq} - | samtools sort -o {output}"
rule filterBam:
message: "Filtering BAM file of ISBPs"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
input: config['isbpBam']
conda: "magatt"
input: config['results']+'/1.MappedISBPs.bam'
output: config['results']+'/1.filteredISBPs.bam'
params: mapq=config['mapq'], mismatches=config['mismatches']
log: config['results']+'/1.filterBam.log'
......@@ -9,24 +27,24 @@ rule filterBam:
rule bam2bed:
message: "Convert Filtered BAM file into BED"
conda: "envs/environment.yml"
conda: "magatt"
input: config['results']+"/1.filteredISBPs.bam"
output: config['results']+"/1.filteredISBPs/{chrom}/sorted.bed"
log: config['results']+"/1.filteredISBPs/{chrom}/sorted.log"
params: '{chrom}'
params: '{chrom}'
shell: "bamToBed -i {input} |fgrep -i {params}|cut -d ':' -f 1|sort -k1,1 -k2,2n 1> {output} 2> {log}"
#rule dumpISBPsID:
# message: "Dump ISBPs IDs"
# conda: "envs/environment.yml"
# conda: "magatt"
# input: config['results']+"/1.filteredISBPs.bed"
# output: config['results']+"/1.filteredISBPs.ids"
# shell: " cut -f 4 {input} > {output}"
#rule splitISBP:
# message: "Split isbps per chromosome"
# conda: "envs/environment.yml"
# conda: "magatt"
# input: config['results']+"/1.filteredISBPs.bed"
# output: config['results']+"/1.filteredISBPs/{chrom}/sorted.bed"
# log: config['results']+"/1.filteredISBPs/{chrom}/sorted.log"
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